Thursday, May 3, 2012

Update to the post: Juicing Diet

It's been three month since I started that juicing diet.  And let me tell you, nothing comes easy, especially when you work, have friends, are bored and even more so, when you have family.  Here's why....

My first two weeks, I was doing GREAT.  Dropped 12 lbs..mostly water and all that crud that your body holds in your big intestines.  But then, work and friends at work slowly started to creep into my diet bubble.  That's what I called it my juicing diet, bubble sounds better than diet and basically "dieting" never really works...the lifestyle change is what works.  Anyways, friends at work would say hey "we're all going to lunch for so-and-so's last day"..well, I didn't want to see like I didn't care they were, I went to lunch.  Then, my boss would say.."were all working long hours and hard, so why don't you go and get pizza for everyone and we'll just have lunch in"..great, more food.  Oh, man, then at family dinner (every Saturday night we would have dinner at my mom's), here I an doing really well getting use to hardly any solid foods, and what does she bust out...baked potatoes, sour cream, butter, green bean with the crunch onions on top and rib eye steak..  BOOM, from that day on, my juicing went out the window.

I've come to realize that either 1) I wasn't ready for a lifestyle change 2) I love food too much 3) I have no will power and 4) I wasn't serious.  Come to find's all 4 reasons.

I ended up gaining back the weight I lost, plus 5 more. FML

At the moment, I'm happy to say, I've found something inside myself that has allowed for me to start to change.  I started doing things that make me happy and not worrying about what other think of me.  I've started back at the gym.  I'm not crazy hardcore like some people, but a simple 10 or 15 miles bike ride on a stationary with one of my favorite movies playing is great.  I've been trying to get into the lap pool, but it's hectic at my gym.  I've also found that if I drink a protein shake in the morning, eat some veggies or a salad at lunch I can pretty much eat no dinner or have very little food without losing energy throughout the day.

The main reasons for this change in my life has roughly to do with 3 things.  One, I need to become more healthy.  Two, I need to become more healthy because planing for a family is in the very near future. And lastly, I need to become healthy for myself; my well-being, my physical nature and my mental nature.

What are your reasons?

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