Friday, July 22, 2011

Unforgettable Moments

Has moments in your past ever come back to haunt you?  It happens to me all the time...when I'm driving, doing my hair, shopping; all the time.  Unforgettable moments that aren't necessarily bad, but moments that makes you literally stop what your doing and freeze while your brain is reliving those moments.  These moments are usually started when something out of the blue happens.  For example, I was sitting at red light and to my left a car was trying to make a right hand turn.  Because traffic was so bad, the car kept inching closer and closer to the curb that was to the right of them.  They had inched so much that their right front tire ended up on the curb.  As their light turned green, they proceeded, but much to their dismay, their tire came down off the curb but ended up scratching the hell out the rim.  All of a sudden, there I was remembering when the same thing happened to someone I was in the car with.  Yet, even though I wasn't driving, I was being yelled at and the memory continues.  I started to laugh once the moment was over, but I couldn't help to think; what would that person who was yelling at me do now, now that fancy rims aren't that important anymore.  Would I still get yelled at, would the events after that occurrence still happen, or would they just yell "SHIT" like everyone else, go home, look at it and then shrug their shoulders?   
It's these unforgettable moments that make you think about growth, understanding and most of all, how some people can just be idiots and at the time, rage is in the air, but in the future, it makes for good conversation.

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